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A search for 'Brigsby Bear' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in composers
  1. Bear's Den
  2. Bear McCreary
  3. Grizzly Bear

636 matches in tracks
  1. It's Brigsby Bear (Opening Theme) (01:47)
    from Brigsby Bear
  2. The Truth About Brigsby (01:24)
    from Brigsby Bear
  3. Bear Band Serenade (01:46)
    from Disney's 75 Years of Music & Memories
    from Country Bear Jamboree at Walt Disney World, October 1, 1971
  4. Bear Band Serenade (01:46)
    from Walt Disney World Resort
    (Country Bear Jamboree)
  5. BEAR COUNTRY: Black Bear - Scratching - Winter Fun (00:00)
    from Beaver Valley
  6. BEAR COUNTRY: Black Bear - Scratching - Winter Fun (00:00)
    from Bear Country
  7. BEAR COUNTRY: Black Bear - Scratching - Winter Fun (00:00)
    from Olympic Elk, The
  8. BEAR COUNTRY: Black Bear - Scratching - Winter Fun (00:00)
    from Nature's Half Acre
  9. BEAR COUNTRY: Black Bear - Scratching - Winter Fun (00:00)
    from Prowlers Of The Everglades
  10. BEAR COUNTRY: Black Bear - Scratching - Winter Fun (00:00)
    from True Life Adventures
  11. "Bear Tree" (03:00)
    from Across the Great Divide
    Bear, Zach and Beaver
  12. Bear Is Dead/Burial of the Bear (03:45)
    from Life And Times Of Judge Roy Bean, The
  13. Waiting for the Bear - Bear Chase (02:07)
    from Grizzly
  14. Wander My Friends (02:55)
    from Battlestar Galactica
    Dedicated to the loving memory of Quentin Wahlborg. Music & Lyrics by: Bear McCreary / Female Vocolist: Lillis O Laoire / Additional Vocals: Ken Stacey, Bear McCreary & Brendon McCreary.
  15. Bear meets Bear (02:43)
    from Those Calloways
  16. "Bear and Tepee" (01:30)
    from Across the Great Divide
    Bear Attacks Tepee
  17. Not A Bear (00:29)
    from Shoot To Kill
  18. It Was A BEAR (04:48)
    from Outlander
  19. Another Bear (03:11)
    from Finding Neverland
  20. The Bear-Man (03:03)
    from Island Of Dr. Moreau, The
Show all 636 matching tracks